Bob Corritore

Bob Corritore is NOT performing at the 2025 Big Blues Bender.
This page is an archive from thier past perfomance(s).

Bob Corritore has appeared on 1 previous Big Blues Bender lineup.

Artist at Large... Bob Corritore is indeed a true harmonica master, having honed his craft while working as a club owner, producer, and often impromptu sideman. Bob is one of the most respected Blues artists in the Blues business today. His efforts are supported by an absolutely stellar cast of Blues Friends on all of his stage shows. Through the years, Bob has explored every facet of his Blues harp's tonal palette and is careful to make every note count. His straight ahead Blues style is done right and is traditionally versatile. Bob flawlessly moves from raw runaway freight train to Cool Cat easy locking into each groove with relaxed ease and assurance. Bob Corritore renderings are groovy, bluzzy, easy to enjoy and pleasingly contagious.

The 2025 Big Blues Bender Lineup